DPF Regeneration
A Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is a device which physically removes air borne soot particles from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. They are commonly installed on modern diesel vehicles to reduce harmful pollutants and meet emissions regulations.
Once trapped, however, the soot will quickly build up inside the DPF if it is not periodically burnt off – a process known as regeneration. This process requires a relatively high exhaust gas temperature which is not met at slow traffic speeds – a problem if a vehicle is mostly used for urban driving. The DPF may gradually block up with soot, leading to poor running of the vehicle and potentially expensive vehicle maintenance and downtime.
Energenics offer several solutions to enable effective DPF regeneration. EnviroxTM Fuel Borne Catalyst (FBC) improves combustion and significantly reduces the temperature required to burn off trapped soot particles. It is trusted by leading aftermarket fuel treatment brands to deliver premium performance. Find out more…
Energenics also supply a range of ready-to-use aftermarket fuel treatments to help Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) regenerate in everyday driving conditions: EnviroxTM DPF Assist Find out more…
Additionally, Energenics’ nano-catalyst technology is available in formulations suitable for use in manufacturing new Catalysed Diesel Particulate Filters (CDPFs): EnviroxTM CatCoat Find out more…